What is Valley Fever?
Valley Fever is caused by coccidioides immitis, a soil-dwelling fungus. An infection can occur when these tiny seeds or spores become windborne and eventually get inhaled into the lungs. How… Read more
Dental Case Study: Scout
Scout is a 12 year old Daschund who is dearly loved by her family. Recently, her family reported that she seemed less active and wasn’t eating as well as she… Read more
Diabetes In Pets: Don’t Sugarcoat It
The statistics are alarming: since 2006, diabetes in pets has increased by 80% in canines and 18% in felines. With the growing prevalence of diabetes in our pets, we want… Read more
Safe Holiday Travel With Pets
We have great boarding facilities at our Family VetCare locations, but we know that sometimes the joy of having a pet means you get to take your pet on vacation… Read more
Going On Vacation? Your Pet Can Stay With Us!
Let your pet play while you’re away! At Family VetCare, our boarding team provides a loving and caring environment for dogs, cats and small exotic animals. Family VetCare is your… Read more
Itchy Pets: A Sure Sign of Spring
Welcome to spring in Arizona! You may have noticed that our wonderful spring weather brings with it some not-so-wonderful itching. If you’ve noticed your dog scratching or biting at his… Read more
Leptospirosis & Your Pet
Maricopa County recently issued a warning that leptospirosis cases are on the rise in Arizona. Leptospirosis is a highly contagious zoonotic disease, meaning it can easily pass from animals to… Read more
Save on Dental Care During February – National Pet Dental Health Month!
Dogs have approximately 42 permanent teeth, and cats have 30. Each of these teeth have special functions to help your pet eat. Without a proper dental hygiene routine, your pet… Read more
Veterinary Case Study: Chloe
Hey everyone, my name is "Chloe". I'm a new mom to adorable twins and this is my crazy story! I delivered my first baby ("Lina") around midnight and then labored...… Read more